Planning application for Ted Baker site

December 2017


Planning ref: 2017/5497/P
Location: 2-6 St Pancras Way London NW1 0TB
Description: Demolition of the existing building (Class B1 and B8) and erection of 6 new buildings ranging in height from 2 storeys to 12 storeys in height above ground and 2 basement levels comprising a mixed use business floorspace (B1), residential (C3), hotel (C1), gym (D2), flexible retail (A1 - A4) and storage space (B8) development with associated landscaping work.
Case officer: Jennifer Walsh (

Detailed plans are available on the Camden Council website. Please go to and enter the reference 2017/5497/P.


News and views


See the full article on the Camden New Journal website or in this PDF file


See letters from Dee Searle and Philip Kemp on the Camden New Journal website

Objections (and other comments)

Regents Network

Canal and River Trust

Transport for London

Assorted objections


These images illustrate the proposed changes to the skyline and the reduction in open space between the building and the waterway.




Planning Statement (1MB)

Design and Access statement (33MB)

Statement of Community Involvement (3MB)

Daylight and Sunlight Report (12MB)

Outline Construction Management Plan (1MB)

Affordable Housing Statement (1MB)

You will find numerous other documents and diagrams on the council's website