Changing scenes at Sturt's Lock

Sturt's Lock sits in the middle of a civilised part of London where the rooflines are relatively low and the wild greenery offers a welcome break from intensely developed busy streets.

The Holborn Studios chimney is a significant landmark along this relatively open stretch. But the developers have ambitions to drown it out with tall buildings that will create a feeling of enclosure.

Proposed changes to the rooflines

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Removal of trees

Although some of the architecture is featureless it is not imposing because the south side of the lock is dominated by large trees that are taller than the warehouses. These trees will be replaced by new ones that will enhance lines of sight for the future occupants and the 'un-paved and overgrown access path' will become a modern precinct.

Please click the 'switch' buttons to see what we are gaining and losing.



Note: you will find more context for this planning application on our campaign page