
Revised application 2017

This planning application has undergone further revisions but from the canal's perspective the changes are insignificant. So if you objected to the original plan you are very unlikely to want to withdraw your first objection.

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How to re-confirm your objection

Please send an e-mail to,

...with this subject: P2016/4805/FUL Regent's Wharf

You should supply your full name and address and if appropriate please state any connection you have with the canal, the area, heritage, architecture, etc.

If you have objected already then you could simply state that your earlier objection is undiminshed by the revisions.

(Official deadline is Thursday 23rd November)

Summary of changes since 2016

This information has been extracted from the Design and Access Statement on the council's website. There are no obvious concessions that might mollify canal supporters.

The original proposals for the Regent's Wharf development were submitted to LB Islington in Nov 2016. Through post application consultation it was agreed that additional design work was required to reduce height along the north facade (canal side) and to revise the articulation of the building within the western courtyard. Subsequently, a revised scheme was submitted in June 2017.

This design and access statement accompanies a revised set of drawings which outline the alterations made. In summary the alterations (against the June 2017 submission) are;

Other pages

The plans


Illustrations of changes

Design statements

Press coverage