Sample Objection E-Mail


Subject: Planning Ref 2015/4774

For attention of Kathryn Moran, Senior Planning Officer.

Dear Kathryn,

I am writing to object to the proposed restaurant extension in the plans for Dead Dogs Basin.

This initial design would reduce the capacity of the basin by an unacceptable amount and would cancel out its benefits both visually and as a waterway resource.

I fully support the idea of opening up the basin, brightening it up, and bringing it back to life. If its overall shape is left intact then there will be numerous opportunities to integrate it with the rest of the market, but these opportunities would be lost forever if permission is granted for covering such a large area of the water surface. Please instruct the designers to withdraw this feature and to replace it with a less intrusive structure.

Yours sincerely,

Related web pages

Planning App 2015/4774

Water Freight Options

Revive Dead Dogs Basin