
Bangor Wharf Planning Appeal

In February 2016 the 'One Housing' group submitted a planning application to convert a light industrial site into a high-density housing development. This attracted fierce opposition from local residents and a wide range of canal users. The council swiftly refused this application in June 2016, citing 18 reasons, and this stretch of the canal has remained an open space for at least another year.

However, One Housing has misunderstood the reasons for the council's decision and has lodged an appeal in the hope of overturning this decision. This is bizarre behaviour for a charity that one would expect to seek partnership rather than confrontation with its host council, but our priority is to protect the canal's long term survival rather than to try to analyse these peripheral disputes.

If you support the council's decision then please take the opportunity to send an e-mail to the planning inspector.

Your e-mail should be sent to

The e-mail subject should include the appeal reference (APP/X5210/W/3165200)

The e-mail should include the following

The e-mail should contain words along these lines

Dear Alison Bell.

I am writing to submit a representation to oppose Appeal reference APP/X5210/W/3165200.

I fully support Camden Council's decision to refuse planning application 2016/1117/P

I am a neighbouring resident/commercial boat operator/tourist guide/wildlife enthisiast/integrated transport specialist/etc

(Please add any comments that you feel are appropriate. Your comments must relate to the 2016 application not the 2017 application)

If you need to understand the context of this appeal then please click here.

If you need further guidance then please send an e-mail to

Sample representations

Deadline for representations is 16th May 2017