
Bangor Wharf Refusal

Reasons 11

The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure a Construction Management Plan, would be likely to give rise to conflicts with other road users, and be detrimental to the amenities of the area generally, contrary to policies CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development), CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP20 (Movement of goods and materials) and DP26 (Managing the impact of development on occupiers and neighbours) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 15

The proposed development, in the absence of details regarding the feasibility of connecting to a decentralised energy network, a BREEAM assessment for the commercial areas, opportunities to reduce water consumption, drainage calculations and details relating to SuDs to meet Greenfield run-off rates, along with the failure to reach C02 reduction targets and due to the absence of a legal agreement to secure any of the above, would fail to be sustainable in its use of resources, contrary to policies CS13 (Tackling climate change through promoting higher environmental standards) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP22 (Promoting sustainable design and construction) and DP23 (Water) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 18

The proposed development, by reason of the lack of services, infrastructure, landscaping and enhancement of the canalside site, would fail to prioritise the waterspace and promote its use for water and transport as well as neglecting to enhance its canal setting, contrary to Policies CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development), CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel), CS14 (Promoting high quality places and conserving our heritage) and CS15 (Protecting and improving our parks and open spaces and encouraging biodiversity) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and DP20 (Movement of goods and materials), DP24 (Securing high quality design), DP25 (Conserving Camden's heritage) and DP31 (Provision of, and improvements to, public open space and outdoor sport and recreation facilities) of the London Borough of Camden LDF Development Policies, Policies 7.24 and 7.27 of the London Plan 2016.

Reasons 17

The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure a local employment and apprenticeships agreement will be likely to lead to the exacerbation of local skill shortages and lack of training opportunities and would fail to contribute to the regeneration of the area, contrary to policies CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development), CS8 (Promoting a successful and inclusive Camden economy) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy.

Reasons 16

The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Plan, would fail to be sustainable in its use of resources, contrary to policies CS13 (Tackling climate change through promoting higher environmental standards), CS16 (Improving Camden's health and well-being) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP22 (Promoting sustainable design and construction), DP23 (Water) and DP32 (Air quality and Camden's Clear Zone) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 1

The proposed development, due to loss of employment space and the quality and type of space provided, would fail to support growth in economic activity in Camden and result in the loss of employment opportunities within the borough contrary to Policy CS8 (Promoting a successful and inclusive economy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and DP13 (Employment sites and premises) of the London Borough of Camden LDF Development Policies, Policies 2.15 and 4.2 of the London Plan 2016 and paragraphs 14, 17 and 18-23 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012

Reasons 2

The proposed development, by reason of the small proportion of family sized units in the residential mix, would fail to contribute to the creation of mixed and inclusive communities, contrary to CS6 (Providing quality homes) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy, policy DP5 (Homes of different sizes) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies and policy 3.8 of the London Plan 2016.

Reasons 5

The proposed development, by reason of the quantum, tenure and quality of the affordable housing proposed, would fail to maximise the contribution of the site to the supply of affordable housing in the borough, contrary to policies CS6 (Providing Quality Homes) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy, policy DP3 (Contributions to the supply of affordable housing) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies, policies 3.8, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 of the London Plan 2016 and paragraphs 47, 50 and 173 of the NPPF 2012.

Reasons 3

A number of the proposed residential units by reason of the poor quality of their access to outlook, light, external amenity space and due to overlooking and privacy issues, would result in sub-standard accommodation, which would be harmful to the amenities of future occupiers, contrary to core policies CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development) and CS6 (Providing quality homes) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy, policies DP24 (securing high quality design) and DP26 (managing the impact of development on occupiers and neighbours) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Policies and policy 3.5 of the London Plan 2016.

Reasons 4

The proposed development, by reason of not providing 10% of the units in accordance with wheelchair housing standards, would fail to give access to a range of housing types suitable for people with mobility difficulties, contrary to CS6 (Providing quality homes) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy, policy DP6 (Lifetime homes and wheelchair housing) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies and policy 3.8 of the London Plan 2016.

Reasons 7

The proposed development, by reason of its design, layout and addition of gates, which fail to maximise the active frontage to Georgiana Street , would be detrimental to the streetscene and the character and appearance of the Regent's Canal Conservation Area, and would fail to increase perceptions of safety and reduce the opportunities for crime, CS14 (Promoting high quality places and conserving heritage) and CS17 (Making Camden a safer place) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP24 (Securing high quality design), DP25 (Conserving Camden's heritage),and DP29 (Improving access) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 6

The proposed development, by virtue of its height, mass, scale and detailed design, would be detrimental to the streetscene, canalside setting and the character and appearance of the wider area while failing to either preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Regent's Canal Conservation Area, contrary to policies CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development) and CS14 (Promoting high quality places and conserving heritage) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP24 (Securing high quality design) and DP25 (Conserving Camden's heritage) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 10

The proposed development, by reason of the removal of a prominent Willow tree that makes a significant contribution to the character and amenity of the area without sufficient justification or replacement, would result in harm to the character and appearance of the site, its canal setting, the wider area and the character and appearance of the Regent's Canal Conservation Area, contrary to policies CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development) and CS14 (Promoting high quality places and conserving heritage) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP24 (Securing high quality design) and DP25 (Conserving Camden's heritage) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 8

The proposed development, by reason of the type of cycle parking and its layout and location, would discourage the ownership and use of cycles as a sustainable form of transport, contrary to Policy CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and policies DP16 (The transport implications of development), (DP17) Walking, cycling and public transport and DP18 (Parking standards and limiting the availability of car parking) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 14

The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure a car- free development, would be likely to contribute unacceptably to parking stress and congestion in the surrounding area and would fail to provide access for people with mobility difficulties, contrary to policies CS6 (Providing quality homes), CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policy DP18 (Parking standards and the availability of car parking) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 9

The proposed development, due to its height, massing, positioning of windows and balconies/terraces and proximity and relationship with the western boundary, would result in a material loss of outlook, privacy and daylight as well as having an overbearing impact and an increased sense of enclosure on the occupiers at 54 Georgiana Street and 118-142 Royal College Street, contrary to policy CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and to policy DP26 (Managing the impact of development on occupiers and neighbours) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 13

The proposed development, in the absence of a travel plan, would be likely to give rise to significantly increased car-borne trips, contrary to policies CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP16 (Transport implications of development) and DP17 (Walking, cycling and public transport) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

Reasons 12

The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure contributions towards public highway works and public realm and environmental improvements would be likely to harm the borough's transport and public realm infrastructure and fail to contribute to the promotion of sustainable pedestrian and cycling movements, contrary to policies CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Core Strategy DP16 (The transport implications of development), DP17 (Walking, cycling and public transport) and DP21 (Development connecting to the highway network) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.

The above information has been extracted from the council's website.