About Us

The Friends of Regent's Canal, as its name suggests, cares for the upkeep of the Regent's Canal. We aim to promote the benefits of the canal, we monitor current and future developments and we disseminate information to interested parties.

Please come along to our public meetings to find out what is happening on your canal.

Please also take a look at this website to find out about our activities and events.

We hold public meetings up to 4 times a year and our meetings are attended by various members of the community along with officials and developers.

Regular attendees include representatives from the Angel Association, St Pancras Cruising Club, Inland Waterways Association and a collection of boaters, walkers and cyclists. Other organisations such as the Canal and River Trust attend meetings as and when required.

If you have any queries or comments then please send an e-mail to friendsregentscanal@gmail.com

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