Demolition of Holborn Studios

There are plans to demolish the buildings on the Holborn Studios site at Eagle Wharf Road.

They are identified as Buildings of Townscape Merit, but are not Listed either statutorily or locally.
A heritage consultant has decided that they are of limited architectural or historical interest and that they should be demolished.

In other words, it matters not whether they provide an interesting contrast (or open space) amongst all the neighbouring modern structures, because they are in the way of an expanding city.

Is this really the case? Or can we offer some second opinions?
Can you help to influence these plans before it is too late?

(Click here to see more photographs of the existing buildings)

Below is an artist's impression of the replacement buildings.
Whatever happened to our industrial heritage?

When the Canal and River Trust was launched in July 2012 it was said that the canals bring the city into the countryside and the countryside into the city. Can you spot any historic or rural features in these images?

For more information, please click here to see copies of the exhibition panels on our website.
Or if you prefer to see them in PDF format then click here
To see the formal planning documents (on the Hackney Council website) click here.
To see some images comparing existing and proposed buildings click here.
To see items in the local press click here and for public comments click here.

Please note. These are not redundant buildings. They house the oldest photographic complex in London and possibly the largest in Europe. There are presently about 150 people with full time jobs at the Eagle Wharf site. Please visit their website ( for further information and a visual tour of their studios, and visit their new campaign page ( if you are interested in the survival of this well-established local enterprise.