Letter of Objection from Ian Shacklock (Friends of Regent's Canal)

To: Neil Zaayman, Planning Officer, Camden Council.

Ref: Planning Ref 2012/1674/P - Change of Use of Lock Keeper's Cottage

Dear Mr Zaayman,

I am writing on behalf of the Friends of Regent's Canal to object to the above planning application.

In policy and environmental terms, no material planning considerations have changed since the original permission was granted, so I cannot see any justification for the proposed change.

I believe it is important, at this stage, for the council to understand why the original conditions have not been enforced and to sharpen up its procedures before entertaining any changes that could have a negative impact on the canal's heritage or on visitors' enjoyment. It is quite clear that the information centre has been neglected and an alarming number of visitors and boaters are unaware of its existence, so it needs to be promoted rather than sidelined. As a result of the transition from British Waterways to the Canal and River Trust, there is now a greater need than ever for a canal information centre.

We are not against all forms of change; but we do object to insensitive change. I have met with some representatives of Starbucks and I have already explained some positive changes that could be made to the current arrangements to enable shared use of the building. These include turning off the loudspeakers, decluttering the entrance area, and fixing a prominent sign above the front door to show that this building is a public space as well as a commercial coffee shop. These ideas could help to lure visitors and volunteers back into the building, with no adverse effect on the coffee business, but if these ideas cannot be implemented then I feel that the only viable option is to divide the interior into two separate rooms and to reactivate the side door.

To sum up, this application has served a useful purpose, in that it has highlighted problems that need to be rectified and it has united a wide range of canal supporters, but it cannot be approved in its current form.

Best wishes,

Ian Shacklock
Chair, Friends of Regent's Canal

6th May 2012

The above e-mail was sent to neil.zaayman@camden.gov.uk and copied to the following councillors :-
chris.naylor@camden.gov.uk, patricia.callaghan@camden.gov.uk,
milena.nuti@camden.gov.uk, roger.freeman@camden.gov.uk

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